Shattered Promises Page 4
Holding one hand on his cheek and his other hand on his chest, Kade chases after me, running around the yard while Owen stands in place laughing hysterically.
Once he catches up to where I’ve hidden, he grabs a hold of my shirt, pulls me into his arms, and kisses me for the first time since he asked me to be his girlfriend three months ago.
“I told you to trust me.” He pulls back and smiles showing off those cute little dimples I fell in love with. “I would never let you get hurt, pretty girl. I love you too much! I’ll always save you. You’re mine forever. Don’t you dare forget it!”
<> * <>
“This is very overwhelming for your daughter in-law to hear her husband has been injured. I can only imagine what was running through her mind as she hyperventilated. To be completely honest, we see this sort of thing happen to a lot of family members in the hospital when a loved one has been hurt. We’ll allow her to sleep a little while longer now that I feel more confident that her EKG and blood work came back normal. However, she should be waking up any time now. And when she does, I will need all of your help to reassure she takes it easy,” a man’s voice talks softly beside me.
Where am I?
There’s a constant beeping sound next to my ear, but I can’t turn my head. My body feels as stiff as a board. With all the strength I have, I try to stretch my legs out and bend my toes, but nothing works. I can’t move. I try to force my eyes open and that’s not working either. All I can see is a bright white light.
I’m not ready to die yet, God. My babies need me.
Chapter Five
What’s happening? I don’t understand. Where am I?
<> * <>
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” My dad comes around the corner and looks at me with a worried grin on his face. I know he’s not too thrilled about his little girl getting married this young, but I’m eighteen, and I have been in love with Kade for the past six years. He is it for me. There’s no way I’m not marrying the man of my dreams.
“Yes, Daddy! Are you ready?” I ask him as I step down through the doorway holding onto the bottom of my dress.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to let go of my baby. But if this is what you want, you know I’ll support you in any way I can. Just remember, if that boy hurts you or does anything to make you cry, I’m still your daddy, and I’ll kick his ass in a heartbeat.”
Laughing, tears stream down the both of our cheeks, and I lean in and give him a hug.
“I love you, Daddy! I’ll always be your little girl!”
“I love you too, sweetheart!”
Cruz opens the door and nods his head, letting us know it’s time. Daddy and I slowly walk into the foyer of the church. He takes a deep breath and turns to face me. “I guess it’s time, sweetheart. Let’s do this,” he says with a small smile.
I know he’s nervous, so am I. Marrying Kade is like a dream come true. I know he’ll make me happy. We are meant to be forever. He is my soul mate, my one and only.
We make our way down the center aisle, smiling at our friends and family seated in the pews. My heart rate starts to increase, my palms are covered in sweat. I’m a nervous wreck. Stepping up on the stage between Ryder and Kade, I take Kade’s awaiting hand and turn to face him.
The preacher looks back at my father before speaking. “Who gives this woman away today in marriage?”
Turning to face the number one man in my life, who has loved me forever, Daddy raises his hand and says, “Her mother and I do.”
Leaning in, he kisses my cheek and looks over at Kade. “This girl, right here, is my life,” he says with a stern tone. “I fully expect you to take the best care of her. And if you hurt her or make her cry in any way, there’ll be hell to pay, son. Understood?”
Kade immediately nods his head looking at my father in all seriousness.
The room is silent and seconds pass before he finally stops giving Kade the death glare and whispers, “And I won’t think twice about killing you.”
Kade’s eyes immediately bug out of his head, and the only thing I can do is throw my hand over my mouth as I try not to burst out in laughter. I can’t believe daddy said that to him in front of everyone in the church. Yup, that’s my dad for you.
Laughter erupts throughout the congregation, and I do my best to try and stay calm. Kade is pissed, my dad embarrassed him. God, he looks livid.
“I love you sweetheart.” Daddy smiles big and kisses my cheek once more before stepping down off the stage. He walks to the side my mother with a big smirk on his face and takes a seat.
“Shall we begin?” the preacher asks, hoping to break the tension off of Kade’s expression. How embarrassing.
Nodding my head, the preacher clears his throat and starts the ceremony.
Once it’s finally time for our vows, I turn and face Ryder as she hands me the ring I bought for Kade. As I slide the ring down on his finger, I commit my life over to him.
“I, Lani Smith, take you, Kade Foster, to be my husband. I have loved you since I was twelve years old, and every day that passes by, my love continues to grow. I promise to you before God, our family, and friends, to be the best wife you could possibly ask for. I will love you through all the good times and bad. Through sickness and disease, and anything life throws our way, you are it for me. You complete me, Kade. You make me whole. I never want to imagine or experience any part of this journey without you. From this day forward, I promise to be everything a good wife should be. I’ll be honored to give you children and grow old with you, for as long as I have breath in my body.”
Tear falls down Kade’s cheek, and I give him my best smile. Using my thumb, I lean in and wipe them away.
“Kade,” the preacher says. Turning to face Parker, Kade grabs my rings and pulls me close to him, holding onto my hand.
“I, Kade Foster, promise you, Nalani Smith, before God, our family, and our friends; to love you, honor, and worship you, with all of my heart, body, and soul for as long as we both shall live. For you are the reason I live and breathe today. Without you by my side, I would be lost, I would be nothing. We’ve tried that before and look where it got us.” He laughs along with everyone else sitting in the pews.
Reaching up, he pushes back a curly piece of hair behind my ear that has been lightly blowing in front of my eyes.
“I’ve loved you since I was a kid, but even more so now. You are my entire world, nothing could ever compare to you. I promise to be here for you, through good times and bad, through sickness, disease, and everything else that may come our way. I’ll be by your side through it all. You are it for me, pretty girl, you always have been. I can’t thank God enough for you walking into my life all those years ago. I know I’ve done some stupid things, but I was young and naïve, searching to find the real me. But this is it. You are it for me, I was dumb for ever thinking you weren’t. I’m sorry for all of the pain I have caused you in the past. I’m sorry for hurting you. But I swear, I plan on making you the happiest woman in this world.”
Gripping my hand tightly, Kade plasters that sexy grin he’s famous for on his face and says, “Now, say we’re married, Preach, ‘cause I need to kiss my bride.”
The preacher smiles and shuts the bible. Looking back and forth between Kade and me and then out toward the congregation, he places his hand on top of ours and says, “Congratulations. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Everyone claps their hands and stands to join us in marriage. Right then, without any hesitation, Kade quickly pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me off of the ground, and kisses me with all he’s got- one of the most intense, compassionate kisses I’ve ever had in my life.
“I love you, pretty girl, always. Thank you for loving me. Now you are mine forever,” he whispers with tears streaming down both of our cheeks.
“I love you too, Kade, always and forever.”
Turning to face our family and fri
ends, Kade and I stay joined at the hands and make our way out of the church, together as one; Mr. and Mrs. Kade Joseph Foster.
<> * <>
Opening my eyes, I notice Parker, Erik, and Katherine standing directly in front of me. Looking around the room, I’m quickly made aware of my surroundings. I’m the hospital. My hands start shaking, and my lips start to tremble, but I’m fully coherent.
Kade. No…. Oh my God.
Moving closer toward where I’m lying, Erik grabs a hold of my hand and gives me weak smile. “You gave us a scare there, kiddo. It’s good to have you back.”
Closing my eyes, I let out a long breath and everything comes rushing back to me; the news about Kade, the nauseous feeling, and then passing out.
What’s wrong with me?
“I’m so sorry,” I cry to my father-in-law. “I don’t even know why I passed out.” Shaking my head in disbelief, I ask, “Any word on Kade,” hoping one of them knows something by now. I have no idea how long I’ve been out of it, tucked in this confined room.
“Not yet. The doctors know we’re in here with you. Once Kade’s surgery is over, they’ll inform us on his prognosis.”
I lean my head back against the pillow, on the bed, and take a couple of deep breaths, hoping and praying my family can make it through this mess.
My boys and I need Kade. I never imagined my life without him, and I don’t know what to think or even what to do. What if something goes wrong, and he doesn’t make it? Then what? In all of my life, I have never been alone. Kade’s always been by my side through everything.
“Owen is out of recovery, Lani, and in his own room on the fourth floor. He’s in a lot of pain, but Karla’s in there with him now,” Katherine says, taking a seat on the chair beside the bed. “His surgery went well. He’s a little swelled up but the doctors said that was to be expected. At least his leg can get better now, and the headache he had is finally starting to subside. Maybe once you’re released and we see how Kade’s making out, you can go up for a visit?”
“That’s good news, right? I mean, he’s going to be okay?” I ask, looking back and forth between my in-laws and Parker.
“He’ll be fine, Princess,” Parker says, his voice full of reassurance. “Let’s get you better first, then we’ll wait on Kade and go see Owen later.
Chapter Six
My hands are shaking uncontrollably, the crease of my palms are covered with an undisclosed amount of sweat. I need out of here. I can’t sit back and watch Lani too, laid up on this fucking bed. I need to get some air.
Witnessing the accident with my closest friends tonight has thrown me for an unwanted loop, but watching Lani collapse on the floor right in front of us, did me in. I can’t handle anymore today.
Besides losing my mom, tonight tops the list of circumstances that has perceptually wrecked me. I don’t know how I’ve managed to stay this calm, to be quite honest, but the look on Lani’s face was devastating. There would be a cold day in hell before I would ever put my feelings before that girl. She has been and will always be my number one priority, with or without Kade beside her.
“You want anything, Princess? I’m heading out to go get a drink,” I ask Lani, tapping on her arm.
We are still sitting in the hospital room where they brought her when she passed out, at the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. Kade’s family and all of our friends have been in and out of the room, waiting to get word on the surgery of his spinal repair.
Kade has broken his spine in a couple of places and has a spinal fluid leak which the doctors insisted on repairing first, being crucial and all. When they are done repairing his back, they will perform surgery on his left leg and dislocated collarbone. Kade’s pretty banged up. I’m just hoping he actually pulls through for his family, no matter how pissed I am about the actions he portrayed tonight.
What a fucking mess.
“No, I am okay. Thank you,” Lani says with a worried smile.
Leaning in, I place a soft kiss on her forehead before exiting the room and walking over to the vending machines. Grabbing another Coke, I walk outside and head straight to the first bench I see.
The air is crisp, and it feels good against my heated skin.
I hate this damn place.
I swore to myself years ago that I never wanted to come to a hospital and face death like this ever again; never wanted to be around someone who was sick or dying. Up until tonight, I had been able to hold my own promise.
When my mom died a while back, she took a big piece of her soul with me. The bitch called “Cancer” ate her up, pulling her away from the one person who worshiped the ground she walked on; me. That’s when I vowed to keep my distance from those types of situations in the future. The last thing I ever needed was someone to die on me again, leaving me behind in this twisted world.
Death and hospitals scare the shit out of me. Man or not, those are two fears I have carried my whole life, and there ain’t a damn thing I can do about it. The thought of losing someone close to me ever again makes my heart palpitate.
After Mom’s passing, my dad remarried a lady named Emma less than two years from the day we said our goodbyes. I lost all kinds of respect for my father after that, not believing how quickly he moved on as if Mom never existed.
How could he remarry so fast, burying the memory of Mom the way he did, bringing a new woman I didn’t even care too much for into our home that he had shared with Mom and me as a family?
I remember becoming bitter and angry. I loathed everyone and everything around me, not giving a damn about life itself, until one day, I finally woke up and gained a purpose; her name is Lani, and she looked just like an angel. She gave me a reason to care- a reason to want to live again, a reason to breathe.
For as long as I can remember, I always called her “Princess” on a daily basis. But if I had to use one word to describe my best friend, I would have to say she reminded me of an angel. Lani’s always been more beautiful than any other girl I’d ever seen, and her smile has been known to suck me right in, giving her anything she asks for. I’ll be the first to admit, the girl has me wrapped around her little finger.
Living next door to one another, I pretty much stayed with Lani and her family all of the time. Lani’s Parent’s, Derrick and Gloria, became my second parents. On purpose, I would get on my dad’s nerves, using my raging hormones and bitter attitude as an excuse for him to kick me out of the house just so I could go and hang with the Smith family.
I didn’t care, I would have rather been gone than to sit around watching Dad and Emma suck face and hang all over each other right in front of me. Dad didn’t do that kind of shit with my mom, so what in the hell made him think I’d enjoy watching it with Emma? Some things that man did never made any kind of sense, whatsoever.
“What’s up man? What are you doing out here in the cold?” Brandon asks, taking a seat on the bench beside me.
Letting out a long breath, I reply, “Can’t sit still, dude. I hate these fucking places.”
“I hear you, brother. I hear you.”
Cars are flying up and down South Greene Street. I suppose people are heading into work seeing how it’s a little after seven in the morning, and the sun is already starting to peak out from behind the clouds.
Pushing my hand over my unshaved face, it hits me that I haven’t slept in over twenty-four hours, although it feels more like forever. Those damn Red Bulls couldn’t keep me awake earlier, so I switched to Coke- like that was going to help. I guess when I go back in, I’ll revert to coffee and see if I can kick my own ass in gear.
Highly doubtful.
“What was going on last night before the accident, man? Kade was really showing himself wasn’t he?” Brandon asks, sitting back on the bench, lighting up a smoke. “Shit. I sure as hell don’t want to be around when Lani hears what went down. The girl’s going to hang him by his damn balls, man, for real.”
Fuck. The thought of L
ani finding out how Kade was acting right before the accident makes me livid. Lately, it seems you can’t take the guy out anymore without him trying to hit on a random chick or start some sort of trouble. That’s one of the main reasons I usually don’t go out with him to the bar unless Lani’s around. Kade has grown to be annoying as hell, and he makes me not want to be seen with him in public, especially when he’s drunk.
“I don’t know, Brandon, but this shit stays between you and me for now. Lani doesn’t need any more drama added to her plate than what she’s already dealing with right this second.”
“I hear you, man. I don’t know what is wrong with the guy. At the rate Kade’s been going lately, he’s going to get caught at some point. He’s so stupid.”
Shifting on the bench, to face me, he continues, “I know you’re probably itching to tell Lani, being in a tight spot and all with as close as the two of you are, but dude seriously, what would you really say to her? ‘Oh by the way, your husband has a history of hooking up with random chicks at the bar when you are not around.’ Damn dude, Kade’s a cruddy son of a bitch. If I had Lani at home waiting on my ass, the last place I’d be is at a bar swatting another chick for an easy lay. He’s an idiot.”
Jumping up in defense, I reply, “Brandon, you better watch how you talk about Lani. I know you’re just as freaked out about all of this shit as the rest of us, but she’s not some piece of meat you can swing around when you’re having a conversation. Come on now, you know I don’t dig talking about her like that.”
“Chill the hell out, Parker, damn. I am just saying, if I had a girl like her, I wouldn’t be trying to hook up with somebody else behind her back. That’s all brother, calm down. Lani’s my girl too in case you forgot. I’d never disrespect her in a negative way. You know me better, Parker.”
Yeah, I thought I knew better, but with all that’s gone down in the past twenty-four hours, I don’t think I know any of my friends the way I thought I did. Pretty fucked up isn’t it?