Shattered Promises Read online

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  When Kade becomes hot, he’s freaking hot; he’s got an attitude, pushes me away, and his mouth is out of control. When he’s cold, he’s great; he’s sweet, loving, and compassionate- always putting me first and doing little things to show me how much he cares. Sometimes I honestly believe my husband has multiple personalities. Unfortunately, even if I tried to help Kade, he would just push me away. I learned my lesson with him a long time ago. Kade Foster can be a pistol with his mouth, but I refuse to be his verbal punching bag.

  Looking back, I don’t know how we got to this place, but I want nothing more in life, especially right now, than to have my husband back with me. I can only pray one day he and I will have a better future, a better life together.

  God, please don’t take him from me.

  Chapter Three


  There’s no traffic out, being this early in the morning, and Parker makes it to Baltimore in record time. Pulling his car in the first open parking spot we see, both of us jump out and race to the front of the hospital where we find all of our friends and family standing by the door together, waiting on our arrival.

  “Oh, Lani,” my mother-in-law Katherine cries, bringing me in her arms. “Are you okay, honey? I’ve been so worried about you.”

  Nodding my head, I do the best I can to speak without crying. “I’m okay, just really scared.”

  “Be strong, baby girl. They’ll pull through this. Our boys are tough.”

  Pulling back, Katherine gives me a sad smile while I stand beside her, wiping my tears.

  As I try to get my emotions under control, Erik, Kade’s father, makes his way over beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

  “How you holding up, kiddo?” he asks, squeezing me tightly.

  “I’m trying to stay strong, but it’s not easy. Does anyone know any more yet on their condition?” I ask, praying for some sort of good news. Wishful thinking I guess.

  Shaking their heads, Katherine looks at me and then back at Erik.

  “Not yet, honey. Erik checked in with the front desk lady when we got here a few minutes ago, but no one knew anything other than about Owen. He’s got a broken leg, a fractured hip, and a pretty bad concussion. The doctors at Peninsula Regional were concerned about his head, that’s why they sent him here. He’s a little banged up, but at least he’s alive. To me that’s all that matters right now. A broken leg and hip can heal over time. I was concerned about my son waking up more than anything.”

  Taking everything in, I close my eyes and demand my emotions stay somewhat in control while waiting on clearer news regarding my husband’s condition. Regardless of how bad I want to fall on the ground and hold myself in a fetal position and cry, I’m extremely thankful my brother-in-law is going to live.

  “Thank you for keeping me informed,” I tell my mother and father-in-law. “I’ve been worried sick.”

  “You’re more than welcome, kiddo.” Erik lightly smiles. “Kade and Owen will make it. You watch. They are fighters, it’s in our blood.”

  Hearing my husband’s name out loud makes me want to run into his arms and never let him go. But for now, I’ve got to be strong. Kade needs me. I can’t break down no matter how much I want to.

  Standing up straight, I do my best to regain my composure and glance around to see who all is here. Of course that’s when I spot Karla, Owen’s fiancé, standing next to Brandon with her head on his shoulder, and her arms wrapped around his waist. Something seems off just by looking at the two of them together like this, but now is not the time to hash shit out. Instead, I’m going to be the bigger person and comfort her the exact same way I need to be comforted since we’re both in the same situation.

  “Are you okay, Karla?” I ask as I make my way over toward her and Brandon, holding my arms out.

  Surprisingly, she walks right over and gives me a hug. “He looks so bad, Lani. I couldn’t even stay in the room without losing it back in Salisbury. I’m being such a baby, I know. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m an idiot right now. But I couldn’t help it. Seeing Owen this beat up isn’t pretty, it scares me.”

  “No. Don’t say that, Owen loves you,” I tell say pulling back, so I can look her in the eyes. It’s sad that I can’t tell if the girl’s emotions are really genuine or if they’re deceptive. That’s been a huge problem I’ve had with her all along. You never know if she’s sincere or putting on a show and it really pisses me off. I can’t stand fake people. I guess I’ll never understand why people like Karla can never just be themselves.

  “You’re about to get married and build a family together. Don’t ever doubt Owen’s love for you. He needs you to be strong for him, especially now.”

  Without saying another word, she hugs me one more time before walking back over to Brandon. He kisses the top of her head and pulls her against his chest, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her.

  Not believing the two of them, I turn around and make my way back to Parker, Katherine, and Erik. My father in law gives me a questionable look and all I can do is shrug my shoulders. I mean, what do you say to your husband’s father, who is watching their son’s fiancé hang all over one of his best friends? Unbelievable.

  “What’s up with that?” Parker asks, as he comes up beside me.

  “Who knows? Seems like Owen’s going to have his hands full when he’s up and about,” I tell him, feeling disgusted for my brother-in-law. “I thought I could be nice to her, you know? But after seeing her hang all over Brandon again, I can’t let it slide anymore. I have to sit down and talk to Owen about all of this. I’m really getting tired of seeing him hurt the way he does because of Karla cheating and flirting with other guys all the time,” I say in disgust. “Do you think she’s cheating with Brandon now or are my eyes deceiving me?”

  “Her hanging on Brandon doesn’t look good, especially at a time like this. So no, I don’t blame you for being protective of Owen. Regardless, you need to wait it out as long as you can. We don’t know what state of mind he’ll be in to deal with all of this shit when he’s up moving around,” Parker says and leans in to kiss the side of my head.

  By the irritated sound of his voice, I can guarantee Parker knows more about this thing going on between Karla and Brandon than he wants to share right now. But when the time is right, he’ll tell me, just like he always does. I can only hope my eyes are misconstruing what’s in front of me, and nothing is really going on between the two of them. Otherwise, my brother-in-law is going to be devastated. He loves that girl more than anything in this world.

  <> * <>

  Owen and Karla have been engaged for the last eight months and recently started planning their wedding in Ocean City for some time this winter. Besides Karla’s unfaithfulness, Owen loves his fiancée fiercely, therefore he never wants to hear rumors of her hanging all over other guys unless he sees it for himself.

  Even then, Owen never seems to do anything about it, and it drives me crazy. It’s like he wants the girl to love him so bad that he’ll put up with anything just for her to stand by his side. It’s pathetic, really.

  The first time Owen fell into Karla’s trap, we all did our fair share of warning him about her craziness. Unfortunately, Karla’s magic worked rather quickly, making Owen fall head over heels in love with her.

  Karla’s long history of flirting and cheating on Owen has led her to anything with a penis, making this issue with Brandon not her first rodeo. Still, it’s absurd how oblivious my brother-in-law is to his fiancée’s behavior. For once, I wish he would wake the hell up and smell the damn roses.

  Owen Foster is the definition of a heart throb. With shaggy blond hair and sky blue eyes, he works part-time for the Ocean City Beach Patrol on the weekends during the summer, and on the weekdays, he manages his time working for his father’s construction company along with my husband at Foster’s Construction.

  Owen is two years younger than Kade, Parker, and me, but his maturity level is much more advanced than my husband’s. I’l
l be the first to admit it. And yes, it drives me completely crazy. Kade has always been extremely immature, no matter the circumstance. Nevertheless, over the years, I have learned what to ignore with Kade and what not to. I guess being with someone for this long, like I have with Kade, you tend to pick up on things most people don’t always see.

  Karla started coming around the majority of us in high school. Unluckily for me, Kade was her top priority. The girl did everything she could possibly think of to break us up. But nothing worked. And instead of taking the hint after the first ten times, Karla moved onto Cruz and then Brandon. She even had to nerve to try with Parker. Ha! I have to laugh just thinking about her trying with that one. Parker would have died before that girl ever touched him. He seems to be the only guy around me with a lick of common sense these days.

  When the guys in our circle stopped showing Karla any kind of interest, she moved straight for the goal and went after Owen just to try to piss off Kade. She said Kade would regret choosing me over her, and that was his payback.

  The girl is flat-out stupid.

  Being the bigger person, I have tried several times to forgive and forget all that Karla has done, but the girl doesn’t give up. And now that Owen’s laid up in the hospital, she’s jumping straight back into Brandon’s arms? Unreal!

  <> * <>

  After we all circle together and everyone’s ready, the group of us walk inside the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center and head toward the waiting room.

  Great. It’s packed in here.

  Brandon and Parker search around the room to find a couple of chairs for my mother and father-in-law to sit down and try to somewhat relax. It’s been a long night, and I’m exhausted. I know Katherine and Erik have to be even more so, worrying about their two sons.

  Chapter Four


  I’m tired and overly worried. My patience is running thin. I don’t know how much longer I can stand here not knowing anything about my husband’s progress before I lose my mind. Something. Someone’s got to have some sort of prognosis on Kade before I officially go crazy.

  Deciding I can’t wait another minute, I push myself off the wall and walk over to the nurse’s station to see if they can give me any information. This has been the longest hour in my life.

  “Excuse me, ma’am. My husband, Kade Foster, was brought in from Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury by helicopter, and we haven’t heard anything since our arrival over an hour ago. I was wondering if there was a nurse or doctor we could speak with?”

  Typing away on the keyboard, the older lady looks up at me and smiles. “And you are?”

  “Lani Foster, his wife,” I reply. Didn’t I just say that he was my husband? Maybe I’m delirious, and she didn’t hear me the first time. Who knows?

  “Mrs. Foster, The doctors are prepping your husband for surgery. I can send someone out to talk with you if you’d like.”

  Surgery? This night keeps getting worse and worse.

  “Yes. Please do. I’ve not been given any details on how he is or told about any type of surgery, and I’m worried sick. Could you please find the doctor so I could speak with him or her beforehand?”

  “I understand, Mrs. Foster. I’ll send someone over as soon as they become available. Have a seat in the waiting room until they call your name, please.”

  Nodding my head, I turn on my heels and walk back to the waiting room.

  “Wait,” I say, turning back abruptly. “What about Owen Foster, my brother in-law? Is he okay? Can you give me any information on him?”

  The woman pulls up Owen’s information on the computer and looks back up at me. “He’s in stable condition, Mrs. Foster. They just wheeled him out of surgery for his leg. He should be heading to recovery anytime now. When he’s all settled and sent upstairs, we’ll get you up there to see him.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tipping my chin down, I push one foot in front of the other, and make my way back over to my family.

  Everyone looks up when they see me, as if I can save them with good news. I wish. Unfortunately, I have nothing, and with every minute that passes, I am feeling more and more downhearted.

  “The Foster family?”

  Thank you, Lord. That was fast.

  The double doors open across the hall, and a man in dark blue scrubs with brown hair and a touch of grey calls our name. Jumping up, every one of us rush to the doctor’s side and desperately stand before him.

  “Good Morning,” the doctor says, shifting through a chart. “Who is Kade Foster’s next of kin?” he asks, searching all of our faces.

  Raising my hand, I say, “I’m his wife, Lani.”

  The doctor reaches out to shake my hand and gives me a soft smile.

  “We’re his parents and everyone around us are his family as well doctor,” Erik says sadly, nodding his head toward all of our friends standing beside us.

  “Good Moring. My name is Dr. Fiber. I am the emergency room physician who has been working closely with Mr. Foster since he arrived.”

  Tucking the chart underneath his arm, he continues, “As you know, Mr. Foster was brought into the Shock Trauma Center with some very extensive injuries this evening, or rather this morning.” He sighs as he looks down at his watch to correct himself. “At the moment, Mr. Foster is in the middle of surgery for-”

  “Surgery? For what?” I ask pissed. Why weren’t we informed before now? The receptionist I spoke with earlier said they were prepping him. I would have thought before they went in to operate, someone would have to consult his family?

  “Mrs. Foster, your husband has broken his back in two places, and also has a broken leg, a broken arm, and a dislocated collarbone. On top of all of those injuries, he has a severe contusion on top of his head. And due to the way his body was hit in the accident, there is some fluid leaking from his spinal cord. It’s imperative we operate and correct this issue immediately.” Dr. Fiber continues informing us with as much detail as I think I can possibly handle.

  A spinal fluid leak? I know what Parker told me had happened was bad, but Kade’s injuries are extremely substantial.

  “Before the surgery takes place, my staff and I have put Mr. Foster in a medically-induced coma until-”

  The doctor continues speaking, but the muffled sound of his voice hastily becomes faint. My heart feels like it’s been shredded into a million different pieces. What if he doesn’t make it? The thumping in my head causes me to feel unsteady, and when a wave of nausea rapidly strikes throughout my body, I feel like I’m going to be sick.

  Covering my mouth, I step one foot out ready to run over to the nearest trashcan when a feeble feeling creeps upon my body. Losing my balance, my knees become weak, and before I fully understand what’s happening, my vision goes black.

  <> * <>

  “Don’t leave me up here, Kade Foster. Momma’s gonna be mad,” I yell, as I sit here hanging from the tallest branch on the tree. This thing is so high up in the air, if I fall, I’m gonna die. I just know it.

  “I’m not going to leave you, pretty girl. Do you think that rudely of me?” He laughs.

  “It’s not funny, Kade. I’m stuck. What if I can’t get down?”

  Scratching his head, I can tell my boyfriend’s worried. Crap, I’m worried. He dared me to climb the tree to get his stupid football and like a dummy, I did it. I listened to his sorry butt. Look at me now, I can’t even get down.

  “Okay. I got an idea. Stay put, pretty girl. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” He chuckles and runs off.

  Swinging my legs back and forth while I sit up on the big, thick branch, I wait patiently for Kade to figure out how to get me down before it gets too dark.

  Twenty minutes later, Kade and his baby brother, Owen, walk over toward me, carrying one of their daddy’s ladders.

  “What in God’s name took you so long? It’s almost dark. I’m gonna be in trouble if I don’t get home before dinner time.”

  Throwing their he
ads back in laughter, Owen places the ladder on the ground while Kade holds it upright against the tall tree.

  “You worry too much, pretty girl. You gotta trust me. What’s love without trust?”

  Aggravated I reply, “I do trust you, Kade. With all my life. But I’m scared, I don’t like being up this high. Plus, I’m gonna get in big trouble. So, you better hurry your butt up.”

  One by one, Kade climbs the steps, making his way up the ladder toward me, while Owen continues holding the ladder at the bottom, so Kade doesn’t fall.

  When he finally reaches up to the fourth branch, he says, “Put your legs around my waist and your arms around my shoulders. And whatever you do, pretty girl…… hold on tight. You’ve gotta trust me, okay? I ain’t gonna hurt you.”

  Biting my nails, my eyes are glued to how far the fall is before I can actually move in Kade’s direction. “Are you coming or what? I ain’t got all day.”

  Oh he thinks he’s funny, huh?

  Shaking my head in frustration, I soundlessly pray I don’t fall. I’ll undoubtedly die if I do. Regardless, it’ll hurt big time, and I loathe any kind of pain. Taking a deep breath, I slowly inch in closer to Kade. Wrapping one leg around him, and then another, he pulls me by the hips and tightly grips my thighs.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “God, Kade. Don’t talk. Shhhh……. Just, don’t say anything, please,” I cry out in fear. I’m so afraid of heights it’s not even funny. The good Lord only knows why I did this for him. Stupidity I guess. Boys can make girls do dumb things sometimes.

  When we get down, my foot’s gonna go up his butt for making me get that stupid ball.

  Once we reach the last step, Kade immediately sets me down on my feet. I’ll never ever do anything for that boy again. Stepping up in his face, I lean my arm back and slap him.

  “That’s for making me get your ball.” Using my other arm, I reach back and hit him again. “And that’s for making fun of me being scared. Now we’re even.”

  Before he can blink an eye, I take off running toward my house as fast as I can.